Taxonomy: f. Hexamitidae
Animal: Giardia intestinalis and Chilomastix mesnili 2 01.jpg
Sites: Gut
Giardia intestinalis and Chilomastix mesnili cysts in faecal smear stained with FeHx. Giardia cysts, oval shape, 8 - 12 microns with thick wall 2 - 4 nuclei and remains of locomotor apparatus, deep staining median bodies lie across longitudinal fibers. Chilomastix cysts 7 -10 x 4-6 microns lemon shaped with anterior hyaline knob; a single nucleus which has a well developed membrane and central or lateral karyosome (not visible in unstained preparations); cytostome and remains of locomotor apparatus, fibril beside cytostome usually refered to as shepherd's crook.

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